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I recently needed to extract a numeric suffix from a string value in Python. Initially I did the following: import re def extractNumSuffix(value): return (None if (search:=re.search(‘^\D*(\d+)$’, value, re.IGNORECASE)) is None else search.group(1)) Note that return has a single-line expression. So ...
Seems StartsWith and EndsWith methods of String class in .NET are missing a version that accepts multiple (as an array) prefixes or suffixes respectively when testing the string. To achieve this I just added the following extension methods to StringExtensions class (of Utils.Extensions namespace) under Utils.Silverlight project at the ClipFlair ...
Just added the following extension methods to StringExtensions class (of Utils.Extensions namespace) under Utils.Silverlight project at the ClipFlair source code. public static string ReplacePrefix( this string s, string fromPrefix, string toPrefix, StringComparison comparisonType) { return (s.StartsWith(fromPrefix, comparisonType)) ? toPrefix + ...