Below you can find a series of simple demos that can give you a nice insight on the XNA’s power for WP7. All of them are original. Feel free to use them in your code as you wish. There is also a PowerPoint presentation about those demos but unfortunately it is only in Greek. So let the games begin!
The basics
Initializes the game and draws a simple image on the display
Sprite rotation and movement, Frame rate calculation, writing strings on the display,
Same as Demo2 but now Frame Rate calculator and bouncing sprite are implemented as game components leading to a more reusable and readable code. Now we can add more bouncing balls in an instant! Parameters are passed to game components through the use of game services
Multi-touch. Understanding where are the user’s fingers and what they do. A line is drawn and follows each finger that touches the display. The information is passed through game services to the components.
Gestures. Extending the previous demo to accelerate the ball through flicking of the display.
Accelerometer. Using the device’s accelerometer to find out device orientation and calculate g.
Saving state, using the windows phone input,sending SMS and taking snapshots from the phone’s camera from within your game!
Basic 3D drawing with axis and a pyramid with different colors.
Loading a model from a 3D modeling tool. Moving the camera with gestures.
Textures and lighting in the previous models!
And some more complete demos.
A simple spaceship constantly shoots laser beams to its enemy.
Creates a terrain based on a heightmap provided by a color coded bmp. You can navigate in the terrain using the drawn HUD and its implementation!
Using the Farseer physics engine to make the world bounce. Demo is the one from this linkthat I totally recommend for you to read.
Custom collision detection
If you want to know when two objects of your 2D world collide check out the following link.
Also check this series for a more gentle introduction to XNA.
The complete presentation for all of the above (in Greek)
Part of it will be presented in Hackathon 2012 for WP7.5
An of course the App Hub main game development page.
Finally read about the exciting new feature of integrating Silverlight and XNA in a single application .
Let’s talk about cookies. In fact let’s revisit cookies and see how we use them and what nightmares they bring along. Cookies are all about client storage. They are all about storing persistent information at client side.
The syntax for creating/reading them is as follows. Imagine that we want to store client side the value 17 in a cookie named id. This is done by the following BLOCKED SCRIPT document.cookie=”id=17;expires=Mon,6 Feb 2012 12:00:00”;
When we later want to read the value of the cookie named id we need to search within document.cookie for the string “id=” and fetch the value up to the next “;” character.
Based on the previous definitions we may come up with three nice Javascript functions that make our lives a littler easier:
Creating a cookie
function SetCookie(name, value, expirationInDays) {
var now = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
var newCookie = name + "=" + value;
if (expirationInDays != null && expirationInDays != 0) {
expire.setTime(now.getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * expirationInDays);
newCookie += ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString();
document.cookie = newCookie;
Reading the value of a cookie
function ReadCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) {
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
Or of course you can use a JQuery plugin which provides an implementation for the basic operations with cookies.
Now some basic facts:
- To update a cookie you just create the same cookie with the updated value.
- If you do not define an expiration date then the cookie will expire as soon as the browser’s window is closed. This cookie is also called a session-based cookie.
- if you want to delete a cookie then you must call SetCookie for the cookie without providing an expiration date and by setting its value to blank. As a consequence the cookie will be removed when the browser’s window is closed (so it is actually an inferred delete!)
- Cookies persist among tabs in a browser. So storing tab critical information in the cookie may result in unwanted behavior.
So we need a better and easier way to create/update/delete values that we store client-side, and easier way to handle expiration (values that persist even when the browser is closed or values that they don’t). And that is exactly what HTML5 offers us through the use of the following:
- sessionStorage: Equivalent to session-based cookies. Is erased when the browser window is closed but also the values are not shared among browser’s tabs.
- localStorage: Equivalent to cookies with expiration date but does not expire.
The API is native to Javascript and is as follows (for the same example with the value 17 called id). For sessionStorage just replace localStorage with sessionStorage:
- Create: localStorage.setItem("id",17);
- Read: localStorage.getItem(“id”);
- Remove: localStorage.removeItem(“id”);
- Clear all:localStorage.clear();
Finally don’t forget that like cookies in those values you can even store full Javascript objects as follows where we store the object Client in sessionStorage using JSON.stringify and retrieve it with :
var Client = {
function storeClient() {
sessionStorage.setItem("client", JSON.stringify(Client));
function getClient() {
var retrievedClient = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("client"));
Well this is it. Of course there are some other sophisticated methods to store stuff client-side the “HTML5” way such as Web SQL Databases or the cache but we will cover those in a future post.