Παρασκευή, 16 Ιανουαρίου 2015 2:38 μμ
Δημήτρης Γκανάτσιος
Playing music on netduino via a web browser
I was really lucky lately to get my hands on a netduino. I’ve never programmed on such a small device before and I have to confess that it’s really fun and awesome! First, take a look at the video to see what’s going on. Basically, we are instructing the netduino to play a specific set of noted via a web browser on our PC. (Please visit the site to view this video) We’re using a netduino device. For the unaware, it’s a small device that runs a small version of the “big” .NET Framework, called .NET Micro Framework , so one can easily use C# and Visual Studio to code for it. It’s connected to a Piezo, a small component that can create some noise. We’ve connected the netduino to our PC via USB cable and via an Ethernet cable. The USB connection allows us to deploy and debug our stuff on the device whereas the Ethernet cable allows us to make a small LAN between netduino and our PC. Without any more hassle, let’s check the code! Playing music Code was found on Getting Started with Netduino book . It basically adds
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