eXpandFramework 13.2 beta 1 is out
It has been almost a week since the XAF beta 1 and I hope you already tried the 13.2 bits of XAF. I am happy to announce that in our build servers you can find the 13.2 beta 1 of eXpandFramework.
I am also happy to tell you that even if eXpand has a huge code base the 13.2 migration was lighting fast. Thanks to the great job from the XAF team. So, I am pretty sure that the 13.2 migration will not affect your code bases or time either.
To get your hands in the XAF beta1 login to your account in the DevExpress site and download the release in red.
To get your hand in the eXpandFramework bits login to our build servers and download the latest 13.2.3.x bit.
p.s.: eXpandFramework as a community project is based on your feedback in order to be stable so for those of you that want to report issues and suggestions I opened a beta only forum.
Note: You cannot have both 13.1 and 13.2 eXpand assemblies in the GAC. It is however totally possible to work using different version as long as you reference the assemblies directly from their locations.