Fix: remove ‘optimized for Bing and MSN’ from IE titlebar

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 20 Μαρτίου 13 06:39 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος 
Seems some Microsoft software (probably Bing bar) version is changing Internet Explorer title bar to write “optimized for Bing and MSN”. To remove this: Use Start/Run or Start/Find and type there regedit then press ENTER to launch the Registry Editor. At the tree on the left navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main At the right handside of [...]
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About Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος

Microsoft MVP J# 2004-2010 Borland Spirit of Delphi 2001



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